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Selectmen Minutes 10/03/2006
Chichester Board of Selectmen
October 3, 2006

MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman MacCleery, Selectman Colbert and Administrative Assistant Lisa Stevens.   Selectman DeBold was excused.

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00pm.     

SUBJECT: Planning Board vacancy  
PRESENT: Christopher Weir

The Selectmen asked Mr. Weir questions surrounding his interest in serving on the Planning Board.  Mr. Weir wishes to make a difference in zoning by working on updating the ordinances not just approving applications for subdivisions and site reviews that come before the Planning Board on a monthly basis.  Perhaps meeting on a bi-monthly basis is a preferred method rather than forming a lot of sub-committees.  Mr. Weir would like to take the opportunity to attend the upcoming Planning Board meeting on Thursday evening before making a commitment.  The Selectmen stated that this is an alternate position and as such, the alternates have just as much input as any other member on the board, they just cannot vote unless a quorum of voting members is not reached.   

SUBJECT: Removal of the Town’s portion of the Beaver Dam at Marsh Pond
PRESENT: David Kenneally, Road Agent; representatives from the Conservation Commission, Bob Mann, Jeff Andrews and Mike Marchand

The Selectmen have received a letter from the Department of Environmental Services allowing the Town to remove the Town’s portion of the Beaver Dam at Marsh Pond and asked the Road Agent, Mr. David Kenneally, to formulate a plan of action. The Town is only allowed to remove…” the beaver debris and all other debris and material extraneous to the dam shall be removed in its entirety from the town’s portion of the dam by November 1, 2006.”  The highway department will be utilizing a small excavator to allow for a gradual take down of the water level so as to maintain the level such as a normal spring runoff.  The access route will only affect a small corner portion of the Sanborn/Cray conservation easement land.  There are no large trees that need to be removed, only small brush.  Mr. Fred Shaw, property owner has been notified and invited to attend this discussion.  Mr. Shaw did not have any concerns with the access.  The Conservation Commission reminded the Board of their concerns stated in their minutes of October 2005, indicating the commission’s desires to have a forester and or wildlife biologist review the access route and access the impact if any.  Committee member Mike Marchand is a wildlife biologist for the NH Fish & Game Department and volunteered to walk the route with the Road Agent.  A meeting was scheduled for Thursday morning at the site.   

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BOS minutes
October 3, 2006

Verification of what level of material may be removed will be obtained from the State prior to the removal.  The removal is scheduled to begin on Monday and take three to four days to complete.  The Board impressed the need to handle this project safely and requested the Road Agent speak to the Police Chief and schedule an officer to be present during the process.  Mr. Andrews stated, “If it has to be done, this is the best month to do it.”



Motion Chairman MacCleery seconded by Selectman Colbert to name the small section of road that was incorrectly called Pound Road to Meetinghouse Road.  All were in favor.  Motion carries.  Lisa will notify the Congregational Church so the surveyor can add the street name to his plans. The highway and public safety departments will need to be notified so the E-911 can be updated.  

There has been no update from Ms. Patterson and Mr. Benjamin regarding the updating of the lease agreement for the use of the Shaw Field.  The Board needs to consider is the land being used to its potential or does the property need to be maintained better than it is presently?  Are the sheep the best land management plan?  

Chairman MacCleery updated Selectman Colbert as to the status of the Ferman easement.  Mrs. Ferman is reviewing both versions of the easement deed and will meet with Jeff Andrews to finalize, the Fire Department is going to test the dry hydrant and if satisfactory no drafting pit will be required.  

Lisa reminded the Board that the Memorial Park Dedication is next Tuesday evening at 6:30pm, here at the Grange Building.

Lisa asked which Board members would work on updating the Capital Improvement Plan.  The deadline given by the Planning Board is October 18, 2006.  Selectman Colbert offered to review the plan.  

Mr. David Hynes from the Department of Revenue has inspected the Evans/Crannell property located at 123 Hutchinson Road.  He will forward his findings to the Board.  Definitive usage of the septic system could not be determined by Mr. Hynes.   

The Board directed Lisa to send a memo to the Road Agent, inquiring the status of the request for the costs of repairing the under drain on Webster Mills Road be included in the original scope of services for the Webster Mills Bridge over Sanborn Brook project.

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BOS minutes
October 3, 2006

Selectman Colbert will work up the job specifications for repair to the Grange roof.  The Board will be writing a warrant article for this work.

Chairman MacCleery informed Selectman Colbert of the highway department purchasing a concrete sealer to perform the work of sealing the two bridges because no contractor was interested in the small job. The question was posed to contact the State and inquire as to a maintenance plan that could be used as guidance and qualifications/equipment needed to complete the job correctly.  Lisa will ask Selectman DeBold for assistance.

Chairman MacCleery informed Selectman Colbert that the Board of Adjustment Secretary has forwarded all the requested documents to town counsel in reference to the lawsuit filed by Chichester Condominium Corp.  The question pending is whether or not the updated study for the Growth Management Ordinance was included or does it need to be requested from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning.    


The BCEP Solid Waste Committee is in need of a Chichester budget committee representative to the BCEP.  The Board directed Lisa to post the opening on the website.  

A discussion surrounding the payment of time taken by the Road Agent, to attend evening meetings took place.  The Road Agent has been asked to keep overtime to a minimum.  Chairman MacCleery would like to see better planning on the Road Agent’s part, if he has a meeting to attend, then shorten his day so the night time hours do not become overtime.  Selectman Colbert did not feel payment for two hours was excessive if the Road Agent was required to come back out after working an eight hour day.  The charter was reviewed for the Road Advisory Committee and it does state the Road Agent is the representative from the highway department.

Chairman MacCleery discussed the potential conflict of interest by him sitting on the Board of Adjustment hearings scheduled for tomorrow night.  The question raised was if the Board of Selectmen should appoint an alternate ex-officio in the event Chairman MacCleery could not attend or needed to recuse himself. It was felt the Board of Adjustment should vote on that issue at the beginning of the hearing and or allow the applicant to vote on whether or not they feel it is a conflict.     

The minutes of September 26, 2006 were approved as written.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

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BOS minutes
October 3, 2006

Motion Chairman MacCleery seconded by Selectman Colbert to approve the 2nd issue property tax levy in the amount of $3, 001, 815.25 (Three Million One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifteen Dollars and Twenty-Five Cents).  All were in favor.  Motion carries.

Being no further business, the Chairman adjourned the meeting at 9:50pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Lisa Stevens
Administrative Assistant   

Stephen MacCleery, Chairman   

David Colbert  

Richard DeBold  

                                                        APPROVED AS WRITTEN